Holy Rosary Academy offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide array of extracurricular activities. Please see the Family Handbook for information regarding eligibility for participation.
Altar Servers
Students in grades 5 through 8 may be altar servers.
Holy Rosary Academy is a member of the Parochial League of the Diocese of Nashville. Students may participate in basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, flag football, golf, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and wrestling. Eligibility for these sports varies according to grade level. More information about Parochial League sports is available at the Diocesan Athletic Council web site. Contact Mr. Matt Smith, HRA Athletic Director, for additional information about athletics at Holy Rosary Academy.
Students in grades 6 through 8 may join the HRA Band. The band is under the direction of Mr. Gary Miller.
Chess Club
Chess Club is open to HRA students in kindergarten through 8th grade. The purpose of the chess club is to help children learn the basics of the game. Chess can enhance problem solving and logical thinking as players begin to plan out moves and strategies. Basic chess moves for new players will be covered, and experienced players will be able to deepen their understanding of the game by helping others and looking at different strategies. All members may participate in chess tournaments offered through the Nashville Chess Center.
Students in grades 3 through 8 may participate in choir. Contact the HRA music teacher for additional information.
Each fall Middle School students present a musical. Auditions are held in early fall. Students act, sing, and work as crew members.
Forensics and Debate
The Nashville Catholic Middle School Forensic League encourages and assists students in the development of public speaking skills, fostering a friendly spirit of competition among middle school students. Visit the Nashville Catholic Middle School Forensic League web site.
National Junior Honor Society
Eighth grade students (and seventh grade students during the last quarter) are eligible for induction into the National Junior Honor Society if they meet the requirements.
Science Olympiad
Students in Middle School are eligible to participate in Science Olympiad, which is a club for students interested in learning more about science. Contact Miss Sharbel for more information.
Students in grades 4-8th may join. There is a fee to join, please contact Mrs. Allen for information.
Holy Rosary Academy students in Grades 1-8 consistently score approximately one year ahead of students nationally on the IOWA Test of Basic Skills administered each year in the spring.
Graduating Eighth Grade students typically transition into one of the three Diocesan Catholic High Schools: