Holy Rosary Academy offers a wide range of courses designed to give your child a comprehensive and in-depth education in preparation for their high school years.
Language Arts
Students in grades K-5 use Fundations and the Reading Street series in their English, phonics, writing, and spelling classes. Grades 6-8 use the Pearson Literature, series and Vocabulary Workshop as well as various novels that they read throughout the year. Additionally, the Accelerated Reading program is used for students in grades 2-8 and handwriting texts are used for grades K-4. PK students use Handwriting Without Tears, Letter People and the OWL Reading series.
Grades K-5 use Harcourt Math, while 6" grade students use Holt McDougal math. Students in grades 7-8 have Mathematics by Holt McDougal and are placed into grade-level Pre-Algebra or advanced Algebra 1. The teachers utilize the Accelerated Math program as an additional tool for the math curriculum.
The Alive in Christ series is used for religion classes for grades PK-8th. Also, the Fully Alive series for family life is used for grades 5-8.
Social Studies
Grades K-5 use My World, and grades 2-8 use Maps, Globes and Graphs. Grade 6 focuses on World History, which continues in grade 7. Grade 7 also focuses on Tennessee History, and grade 8 focuses on U.S. History and Government.
Grades PK-5 use the Scott Foresman Science series. Grades 6-8 use the Pearson Series focusing on Earth Science for 6th grade, Life Science for 7th grade, and Physical Science for 8th grade. All grades incorporate hands-on science experiements into the curriculum as well.
Students in PK-8 attend computer class once a week in the computer lab. The computer curriculum includes the following skills: Keyboarding, Internet Safety, Google Apps for Education, Computer-Related Careers, Computer Inventors, and Computer Hardware and Software.
Physical Education
All Academy students have a physical education class. In grades K-3, students have P.E. class daily, 4th grade students have P.E. four times per week, and 5-8 grade students have the class twice weekly. PK students also have P.E. twice weekly. Additionally, all students have a daily recess period of approximately 15 minutes.
All students in grades PK-8 have Music class once a week, as well as additional musical exposure through special programs. The Academy has a full-time Music teacher, with the Share the Music series (McGraw-Hill) for all grades. Students are encouraged to participate further by being involved in the music during Mass twice a week, by singing or playing instruments provided by the teacher. Additionally, band is offered for students in grades 5-8, and choir is offered for students in grades 3-8.
Foreign Language
All students in grades PK-8 have Spanish class between one and three times a week, utilizing Holt Spanish.
Holy Rosary Academy is fully accredited by the State of Tennessee, the Diocese of Nashville, and AdvancED. The Academy follows the curriculum of the Diocese of Nashville.

We develop the God-given talents of your child(ren).
Holy Rosary Academy is a Roman Catholic, coeducational school serving students from Pre-K to 8th grade. We are located in the Donelson area of Nashville, Tennessee.